$form['#token'] = $form_id;
$form['form_token'] = array(
'#id' => drupal_html_id('edit-' . $form_id . '-form-token'),
'#type' => 'token',
'#default_value' => drupal_get_token($form['#token']),
// Form processing and validation requires this value, so ensure the
// submitted form value appears literally, regardless of custom #tree
// and #parents being set elsewhere.
'#parents' => array('form_token'),
if (isset($form['#token'])) {
if (!drupal_valid_token($form_state['values']['form_token'], $form['#token'])) {
$path = current_path();
$query = drupal_get_query_parameters();
$url = url($path, array('query' => $query));
// Setting this error will cause the form to fail validation.
form_set_error('form_token', t('The form has become outdated. Copy any unsaved work in the form below and then <a href="@link">reload this page</a>.', array('@link' => $url)));
// Stop here and don't run any further validation handlers, because they
// could invoke non-safe operations which opens the door for CSRF
// vulnerabilities.
$validated_forms[$form_id] = TRUE;